Join a Delegation


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Delegations are the heart and soul of Witness for Peace. We were born out of the passion of concerned citizens who left their homes one day to see first-hand what life was like for those living in Latin America. Observing the effects of American military and economic policy for yourself is crucial in understanding the effect of these on the lives of so many in Central and South America, but is also crucial in achieving our mission of building transnational solidarity.

On a delegation, you might find yourself sitting around a dinner table, breaking bread with local activists. You may venture into a local factory to connect with workers and witness the conditions they toil away in, day after day. You might find yourself working in an elementary school garden with the children of your host family during a homestay. And you’ll find yourself in the US Embassy advocating for just changes in American policy.

Overall, you will immerse yourself in a new culture, and come back changed, empowered, and inspired. If this sounds like an experience you are interested in, please see the list of upcoming delegations below. Click on the name of the country for more details on that delegation. You’re also welcome to click on “Delegation Reports” to learn more about past trips, which will shed light on what you may encounter during your own journey to Latin America with Witness for Peace.

Contact us at if you are interested in organizing your own delegation!


Click on a Country Below to learn more about upcoming delegations!